Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 10, 2015

MOL 2015 Love without Borders Gala - Saturday Dec. 5th, 2015

"Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smiles, in the warmth of your greetings.  Always have a cheeful smile.  Don't only give your care, but give your heart as well" -  Mother Teresa of Calculta

Dear Friend,

We are delighted to be celebrating with you the 11th anniversary of the founding of Messengers of Love (MOL).  Thanks to your precious support, throughout the past decade, MOL has steadfastly carried out its mission: Provide orphans and disadvantaged children and elderly people in Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia an improved quality of life and a better future. MOL has brought love and hope to over 5,000 children and those who need it most.  We offer nutritious food, clothing, clean water, safe shelter, educational assistance, after school learning, and spiritually uplifting gifts at holiday times.  We not only strive to improve the lives of children in orphanages but also the lives of other poor children who are at risk of not being able to continue their education.  Once a child is accepted into our program, we support his/her education through college.  All we ask from the college graduates is to come back and help others succeed.  

MOL believes that all children deserve to be nurtured physically and emotionally, to receive a quality education, and most importantly, to know that there is someone who cares for them.   Children who grow up unloved and abandoned often experience low self-esteem and emotional insecurity, which could adversely affect their futures.  MOL strives to make a positive impact on these children’s lives by giving them an opportunity to grow and develop into confident and successful young adults.  Thus MOL’s approach is a well-rounded one; we try to meet all of the children’s needs:  physical, emotional, spiritual, and educational.  We do this through the various programs and services which are carefully designed and implemented to meet these needs. Their future will be improved because they have been physically and emotionally nurtured.  They will grow up confident and emotionally secure, and are more likely to treat others with kindness.  Armed with an education, they will be protected from a future of life on the streets, from being exploited, used for child labor or worse, sold into prostitution rings.  They will become successful and be able to contribute to society and help others as they have been helped. 

Our work has been made possible through contributions and grants received from generous donors, sponsors, and volunteers like you. Please consider continuing with your support by making a contribution in the form of a table sponsorship or other contributions such as a monetary donation or donation of valuable items for the auction for MOL’s upcoming fundraiser:  “2015 Christmas Love Without Borders Gala”.  The funds will be used toward supporting MOL’s mission and goals in improving the lives of the orphans , the poor and disadvantage students, and helping the impoverished communities, expanding on the goals that we achieved last year.  Enclosed please find the donation/sponsorship form.  To donate on line, please visit our website:  On behalf of the MOL team and the children we serve, we thank you for your generosity and support.

With deep appreciation,

Theresa Tran
Messengers of Love President & Board Chair


MOL's Programs and Services updates


"Holiday's Care Package": 

This past year in 2014, over 5000 children and adults (lepers, elders, handicapped) received the Holiday care package.  MOL started the Christmas Care package program in 2004, with the purpose of spreading love and the spirit of Christmas to those who need it most: the orphans.  The children not only received the basic needs such as new clothes, toiletries, milk, food, but also a toy and candies to give them the happy childhood they deserve. Santa was sent to deliver the package, but also to spread the message and true meaning of Christmas:  that God loves us and sent his only son that we ought to love God and love one another (John 6).  The message of Christmas was spread Christmas after Christmas, from orphanages to orphanages, from villages to villages again this past Christmas.   

Scholarship program: 
As of 2015, there are 160 students receiving scholarships from MOL.  22 of them have graduated from college, with 29 currently in college.  This year we are adding 17 more students from Thanh Hoa area. These are children whose families struggled financially due to extraneous circumstances such as the death of a parent, loss of job or illness of one or both parent(s) and risked having to quit school due to inability to pay for tuition and fees.  We took them in and kept our promise to help them through college.  We only ask that once they become successful, they will do the same for others.  They volunteer with local church project such as visiting other poor people during their summer break.  Those who graduated returned to volunteer and help teach other misfortunate children.  We strongly believe they will help improve society, one child at a time. 

Computer and English Class:  We completed outfitting our first "English and Computer" Class in Phu Loc - Hue this past spring 2015 with 6 computers and one projector.   This past summer we had 65 kids attending class, ranging from elementary through 11th grade.  The teacher is Ms. Thu Thao Le, a former poor student MOL sponsored. We added another class in Thanh Hoa – North Vietnam with 25 kids this past summer 2015.  The kids are learning and are very enthusiastic about practicing their English.  We will continue to expand and add another computer center at St. Joseph orphanage in Ho Nai - South Vietnam in spring of 2016.  We anticipate there will be about an additional 90 orphans and poor children whose lives will forever be changed as a result of this program. 

Big Brother Big Sister:  We have 30 members from MOL Youth comprised mostly of high school students and 40 college students from various Universities across North America signed up to be the big brothers and big sisters for the Vietnamese children.  The big brother/big sister program will be an educational resource tool and a way to create a personal connection between students in America and in Vietnam.  Curriculum that consists of interactive worksheets, lesson plans, and games are presented for the children to learn English.  This program is also a great opportunity for our youths to increase their volunteer capacity as well as accomplish the goals of MOL to help inspire and educate students abroad. 

Special projects – Humanitarian & Safe Shelters:  As of 2015, MOL has provided school lunch assistance on a yearly basis for 70 poor village children in Phu Loc, Hue.  MOL partnered with major US hospitals and brought 3 handicapped children to the USA for medical operations.  MOL helped build 5 clean water systems for 5 villages of ethnic minority people (người Thượng) in the mountains of Kontum.  Each system served a village of about 200 to 300 families.  As of summer 2015, MOL had built a total of 32 new homes for the poor/lepers, fixed up 3 village schools, built 3 dining halls for three rural schools, built two village roads, and remodeled 1 orphanage.  MOL provided rice and supplies to over 1000 flood victim families of Central Vietnam during the yearly flood. MOL provided funding for 19 wells for poor villages and 5 clean water  systems for the villages close to Thua Thien and Kontum.

"Medical Sponsorship":  Thuy Nhu Nguyen, one of the five orphaned girls MOL sponsored, finally finished with her treatment here in the USA and had gone back to Vietnam to attend Nam My school in Saigon.  She is now in 11th grade and is doing well, studying for the TOFEL test.  She came to the USA in October 2012 and stayed for a year. Thuy Nhu was born with facial pigmentation abnormality.  Messengers of Love was able to secure treatment from Dr. Tue Dinh from Methodist Reconstrutive Surgery unit to treat her free of charge. MOL provided all cost related to paperwork, visa and travel.  She had gone through 9 different treatment with great results.  Click here to view Thuy Nhu letter to MOL

"Invest in a Child":  The orphaned girls in Nam My school continue to get good grades in school.  Our investment are paying off nicely.  Their futures will change for the better because of donors like you.  
Click here to view report from Dr. Hien Tran.  

MOL's Financial Report is ready for viewing
Click to view 2014 Fiscal Year Audited Financial Report
2015 Fiscal Year Financial Report will be posted by December 1st, 2015
For questions, please email Dr. Hien Tran, CPA or Ms. Wendy Nguyen, CPA at  For question on audited financial report, contact Attorney Robert Pham at (281) 568-5139


Our projects are completely financed by donations. We can only accomplish our missions through the support of our sponsors.  Your generosity provides crucial assistance for children around the world: children who face hunger for food and love, disease, and extreme poverty. Your support is urgently needed.  

$10 per child Holiday care package/gift: includes new clothes, shoes, toy, books, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, li xi money, Holiday dinner and special Holiday treats.
$10 relief per poor family: includes food, rice, cooking oil, blanket, warm clothing, etc.
$15 per child per month: send a child to a good school and buy school clothes, books and other needs.
$200: Dig a well for a poor village
$1200: Build a brand new two room home for a poor ex-leper family.
$2,000: Rebuilding and remodeling a 40 students class room in rural areas.
$3,000: Build a brand new dining hall, bathroom and a playground for each 40 student class room in rural areas . 

All donations are tax deductible. 

To donate by check or money order, make payable to Messengers of Love. Mail to: Messengers of Love, P.O. Box 590936 Houston, TX 77259. 
To donate on line, visit:  DONATE NOW to get tax write off for 2015.

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